Present Together

In the last blog post I briefly addressed the power of individual presence. Your life gets better as well as the lives of all those you are in relationship with. Because your presence matters.

 Now imagine for a moment how it compounds when each person is fully present in the moments we are together. In our homes, with our friends, in gatherings large and small, and especially when we are together to worship God and serve others.

We are the Church together. If you have church experience, you have likely heard an impassioned preacher teach “this building IS NOT THE CHURCH! YOU ARE THE CHURCH!” Paul says we are part of the body, each of us being different members (or parts) with different roles to play (1 Corinthians 12:12-14). Peter refers to us as “living stones” being built together into a “temple of the Spirit” (1 Peter 2:5). We are the Church together.

In putting these principals together, we have determined that the church we are building will be Presence Oriented. We want to strive to be present individuals that are present together – that is what it looks like to do life together. Furthermore, we want to orient all we do around being in the presence of God and being present to one another. I believe without a doubt that this kind of a community will be fertile soil for healing, growth, support and love to flourish.

Grace and peace to you.


Presence Carriers


Your Presence Matters