Let’s work together to see communities transformed through the active presence of Jesus Christ in His Church


More than anything, we need people to pray with us. We want to build a strong prayer team that undergirds everything we do. Sign up here to receive periodical updates with specific prayer requests.


God has called us to do something significant in Cincinnati. With that comes significant cost. Moving our family across the country, purchasing equipment, renting gathering places… and the list goes on. The generosity of God’s people, living out their faith, makes this all possible. Each and every contribution is greatly appreciated.


We serve selflessly. We would love you to join us in serving Cincinnati, even if you aren’t a part of our church. The following link will take you to a regularly updated page that includes all of our service opportunities. Our focus will be kids, schools, families, and community spaces.


It’s a big ask, but we serve a great God. If He is tugging on your heart, if you’re even questioning it, please pray. Pray some more. Then sign up here to talk with us directly without commitment. We would love to pray with you about it.